Thursday, 20 November 2008
Dhanat Plewtianyingthawee
I am sure his mum is proud as punch with Dhanat's latest productions. As proud as the mother of any 6 year old would be. Normally kids abstract daubings are consigned to the fridge until they disintegrate or fall off into the cats litter tray. Somehow these, although no different from any other 6 year olds scribbles, warrant the full attentions of the art world. I ask you who is conning who here. Should we chastise the gallery owners and dealers for peddling this little boys work as some form of high culture or the chinless wonders and visually illiterate, idiots that purchase these colourful experiments in mark making.
I am off now to throw watercolour paint at wet paper and use my creative talents to knock 40 years off my birth certificate. See you in the Sacchi Gallery soon.
Monday, 22 September 2008
Bone Dry River Bed

Sunday, 21 September 2008
Colour Me Bad
I have a lifetimes experience of getting the colours wrong, my trouble is tonal opposites, where the colours that have the same intensity clash. This leads to confusion over orange/yellow green, pink/grey, purple/dark blue and the more common red/green. Now this doesn't bother me when I am painting, but it does upset me when shopping. Once again I bought something due to a confusion over a companies colour coding and skimmed milk tastes foul.
Its not like I am asking people to change their lifestyle, become vegetarian, adopt another religion or questioning their sexual preferences but as colour confusion is a constant and recognised problem, why don't companies simply adopt a combination which is easy to detect by the visually challenged.
For most of you these eight colours will be obvious but to the rare few who only see four it can be a problem, especially when you go shopping. Painting strangely enough never really posed that much of a problem, I know where the colours are on my pallette and have a good idea about how to mix and match. Once you have painted a scene who is going to know whether the house was red or green or if the car was purple or blue.
Cats can be funny and I have always marvelled at green ginger tomcats and felt that the group "Deep Purple" should be called Dark Blue but it doesn't have the same ring does it. At least when everyone else is moaning about "those ominous dark grey clouds" I see a gorgeous pink sky. Always see the positive I guess.
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Dry Riverbed

Thursday, 11 September 2008
Monastery in the landscape

Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Source of the Tiber

Monday, 8 September 2008
Original Artwork

I have attached a detail of the original poster which details the trades and artisans of the Upper Tiber Valley in the Seventeenth century. At a time of mass literary problems, images depicting trades were extremely important and these lovely but simple pictures detail the differing types of works carried out. The whole poster includes such things as Optician, Watchmaker and Barbers, somethings have always been there.
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Occupational Hazard - 1602.5
The Taylor and the Builder today, all tastes are catered for back then. The sketch pad is only 2" X 1 1/2", a very small hand made leather bounnd pad but excellent for carrying around in my pocket.
Friday, 5 September 2008
Trades II 1602 - lunchtime.

This is my next installment from the 1602 poster of occupations in Italy from 1602. Don't worry we will soon have videographer and slurpy maker in the series.
Today we have Woodworker and Ropemaker
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Trades 1602 - M. DC. II

So Summer is over, well we can't complain here, as we have had about 2 hours rain in twelve weeks and only the occassional cloud. Over the weekend they held a medieval festival in Citta di Castello, all the local people dressed up in traditional clothes and turn the house fronts into market stalls, taverns, blacksmithy or pottery. It proved to be excellent entertainment. There are falconry displays, public execution and battles all with a olde world feel about it. As Castello is comprised of lots of narrow alleyways and piazza's, it makes a first class venue.
So it was here that I bought a lovely, small, handmade, leather bound sketch pad and decided to do some reworkings of an old poster depicting the trades locally in 1602, the idea is eventually to have a little book full of medieval influenced sketches, paintings and drawings and these are the first three. Butcher, Armourer and wine trader.
Friday, 15 August 2008
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Post Modernist Deconstructivism
Monday, 4 August 2008
Hillside Farm Also

Sunday, 3 August 2008
Hillside Farm

Friday, 1 August 2008
Mountain View

Thursday, 31 July 2008
Field of tobacco
Monday, 28 July 2008
The Secret Monastery
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Sunday, 29 June 2008
10 pointless emails I get every day.
1) Credit - with the world wide crunch on, why would I want more credit.
2) Letters from banks I do not have an account with advising me to change my details. Why, I don't bank with you. Don't insult me, I know you are phishing you fool.
3) Sad pathetic, obviously made up letters from sick individuals, in some African backwater whose father (the minister for lies and inventing things) has sadly died in a horrific skateboarding incident and needs to get $50m out of the country. Seek help you sick people.
4) A larger penis - I am happy with what God gave me thank you.
5) Viagra - thanks but no need and if I did I would go to see a doctor.
6) $10 credit on a gambling site - do not think I am going down the gambling route either.
7) Lonely East European girls looking for conversations - well get out and meet people then.
8) Excellent watches - I hate watches and really wear then, plus I do not need a new one every day.
9) Surveys regarding my attitudes towards whatever seems the big question of the day.
10) Jobs update on vacancies in America, I live in Italy the commute would kill me.
I wish these people would get a life, get a day job, get out of my hair and stop sending stupid pointless advermails, spamalogues and junkisments as I am not interested in any of the above.
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Mad dogs and .............

Sunday, 22 June 2008
Terry's Pad

Saturday, 21 June 2008
Would Michaelangelo Blog (10 historical blogs)
Well Raphael has left us examples of his graffiti in Citti di Castello, so he would have probably been tagging the local trains. Leonardo is famous for his inventive mind, so you can imagine him using an Ipod and releasing podcasts. Michaelangelo, if you had a commission like the Sistine Chapel wouldn't you blog it to the world. I think the people of the Rennaisance would have been as adventureous today as they were in the 16th centuary and Leonardo's podcast on helicopter design and Michaelanglo's blog on church painting would be ledgendary.
Ten famous historical blogs worth reading:-
1) Noah - Ship building in your back garden.
2) Napolean - My European holiday.
3) Queen Victoria - We are not amused, personal blog of running an Empire.
4) Florence Nightingale - First Aid on a shoe string.
5) Budha - Ommmm! and other strange sounds.
6) Henry VIII - Henry's guide to women.
7) Casanova - Safe sex guide
8) Shakespeare - 2B or not, personal blog and short stories.
9) Christopher Columbus - Go West, wifi and hot spot guide for the New World.
10) Eve - Dressmaking tips with plants.
What blog would you subscribe to?
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Villa Bastiola

Top 5 Animals I didn't expect to see in Italy
2) Wild boar While out walking the dog we rounded the corner on our quiet little lane and saw a baby wild boar hot footing it into the undergrowth.
3) Snakes big snakes. I was walking along the railway track with my wife and sister in law when out of the bushes ran a lizard, hotly pursued by a three foot long snake. All of us, snake and lizard included jumped. Listen out for noises in the undergrowth when out walking or drawing, you never know what is out there.
4) Scorpions Within a week of being here I wondered into the bathroom late one night and in the middle of the floor, bright red was this massive scorpion. Check your shoes regularly is now my motto
5) Hummingbird insect Yes, it looks like a little bird but it is actually an insect.
When deciding to move to Italy we researched properties, jobs, relocating but never once looked at mad crazy animals in the wilds. Take note, you never know what surprises await you.
Washing Instructions Included
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Dog Kennel

Monday, 16 June 2008
And so it begins